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Freedom of Peaceful Assemblies: Notifying Authorities


Here is a panorama of the city. You are trying to find a place for a peaceful rally, but officials refuse to allow the rally to go ahead.

To complete the task, click on all hotspots and explore 7 reasons for refusal. Put a tick if you consider the reason to be unjustified and violating the right to peaceful assembly. For a closer look at each situation, drag and move the panorama. You have two attempts.’

Reason 5
No, because a launch of the new furniture catalogue has been planned in this park at the same time.
This is a violation!
Reason 3
This park on Saturday? Many families will be walking there with their small children. Your event might pose a danger to their health and life.
This is a violation!
Reason 7
Your march and meeting at this location may interfere with the normal functioning of the public utility services, traffic, and commercial activities.
This is a violation!
Reason 1
You lodged your notification for the public event too early. We understand that the post office is closed during the New Year holidays, and that submitting the notification after will be too late, but such is the law.
This is a violation!
Reason 4
Holding a picket outside of a police building is unsafe. In the region, terrorist attacks are carried out against officials. What if this kind of terrorist attack happens during the picket?
This is a violation!
Reason 2
We are having snow removal in this square exactly at that time. Choose another place, such as a park in the suburbs.
This is a violation!
Reason 6
Your critical banners and slogans might trigger a hostile reaction from many supporters of the current government. We cannot authorise this event because of the risk to your own safety.
This is a violation!

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