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Freedom of Peaceful Assemblies: Protection of Protestors

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Here is a panorama of a peaceful protest against homophobia in Tbilisi.

To complete the task, click on all hotspots and explore 6 situations. Put a tick if you consider that in this situation the right to peaceful assembly is violated. You have two attempts.

Situation 1
Several dozens of activists gathered in the square. Despite having notified the authorities about the march, activists were accompanied by a single police patrol vehicle.
This is a violation!
Situation 2
In a city square, the marchers were met by crowds of aggressive counter-demonstrators. Some of the activists were thrown to the ground and kicked. The police car left the scene.
This is a violation!
Situation 3
One of the marchers noticed several police officers not far from the scene and asked for help. “I’m not patrolling your march. I am not allowed to interfere.”
This is a violation!
Situation 4
Following attacks by the counter-demonstrators, several activists were detained and taken away from the march. The police later claimed was primarily for their own protection.
This is a violation!
Situation 5
The marchers called the police. When the backup arrived, the police officers stood between the by then beaten-up activists and the attackers.
This is a violation!
Situation 6
Journalists were present, recording interviews with peaceful activists.
This is a violation!

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